Truck Accident Facts Drivers Need To Know

Truck Accident Facts Drivers Need To Know

There are many truck accident facts to remember. If you’ve ever been in a crash, you know that not every truck accident is the driver’s fault. This article covers Big rigs, Tractor trailers, Sideswipe accidents, and driver fatigue. We’ve also discussed why truckers can be so tired. It’s important to keep these facts in mind to help protect yourself in case of a crash.

Tractor trailers

Did you know that one out of every nine road accidents involves a tractor trailer? Truck accident statistics are grim. That means that one out of every five truck accidents will result in the death of at least one person? That’s quite a high number, especially considering that ninety percent of these crashes involve the occupants of other vehicles. Most fatal truck accidents are straight-line collisions, and nearly half of them happen during the daytime.

Big rigs

While most truck accidents are caused by driver error, the FMCSA records a number of other factors that contribute to collisions involving large trucks. For example, improperly attached trailers increase the risk of jackknifing. In addition, faulty road designs and weather conditions may contribute to large-truck accidents. Failure to comply with the law may result in personal injury lawsuits. So, it’s important to understand truck accident facts to make better decisions regarding your safety on the road.

Sideswipe accidents

Sideswipe accidents are common, but the causes of these collisions are often not clear. Whether the truck driver was at fault or not, the crash leaves a trail of destruction. In almost all cases, the driver and passengers of the vehicle involved are injured, and the victims may suffer broken ribs, collarbones, arms and legs. Head trauma, concussions, back injuries, amputations, and even death are common injuries. Some victims may even be ejected from the vehicle.

Driver fatigue

A recent study identified driver fatigue as a contributing factor in 31 percent of fatal crashes. Although other factors could have also contributed, driver fatigue remained the leading factor. In a recent study, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) looked at crash reports from a sample of more than a quarter million crashes in the U.S. This study highlights the importance of rest and avoiding driver fatigue as contributing factors in crashes.

Right-hand turns

Truck drivers should always take extra care to avoid right-hand turns, even if they’ve been trained to do so. The trucking industry should be doing more to prevent such accidents. One way to avoid tractor trailer right-hand turns is to install a crossover mirror on a truck. Such mirrors help truck drivers see their blind spots, which can help prevent collisions. However, these mirrors are not fool-proof, and they don’t always work as advertised.

Substance abuse

In addition to human error and mechanical malfunction, alcohol and drug use are often contributory factors in truck accidents. Substance abuse in truck drivers impairs their senses, making them less able to respond to road conditions or to other road users. The results of truck accident investigations can lead to the death of a truck driver or even the death of another motorist. Substance abuse in truck drivers affects many factors, including distance and time.
